14 February 2012

Lies and Deceit(Self)

You've made it very clear.
You think yourself wise and mature.
But clearly,
you've mistaken knowledge for wisdom,
Apathy for empathy,
Concept with application,
Suppression for Emotional maturity.
You mixed up the concepts of dreams and aspirations with an actual upbringing.
You're confused about what commitment is and yet believe others lack it.

You believe that an admission of flawed traits are akin to proper attempts at a solution.
You misunderstand that systems have evolved according to the environment. And not spontaneous manifestations of man.

Wisdom is knowledge applied appropriately.
Maturity is when acts benefit others and the greater good. Wisdom is to know what the greater good may be.
Maturity requires sacrifice not when it is convenient but when it is most difficult, even painful. Wisdom requires not only you evaluate and comprehend the world. You must also evaluate oneself at a level that is uncomfortable.

Maybe its time you woke up. We all live in a world that is ego-centric. Only the fool believes his view to be the one truth.

I know someone who is living for others day in and day out. The money goes not to self-achievement or fulfillment. It goes to the ones who need it more. They shed Effort, Sweat and Tears so that others may live life slightly more comfortably. Fun and enjoyment are secondary to the care of others. Yet in your eyes this being is the least evolved. The least mature and the weakest.
Your life may not have been smooth sailing as you would have liked. But for some others, they barely have a vessel to sail with. Yet they make do with what they have and they willingly carry others on board, because they CARE.

But not to worry. You are wise and mature. Very much so. Please carry on, obviously it is not you I refer to.

"You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions." - Naguib Mahfouz, writer

"From the errors of others, a wise man corrects his own." - Publilius Syrus

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