23 January 2011

C is for Compassion

C is for the one of things that makes us human.
As primitive as our ability is to feel the pain of others,
it is still something that most of us are gifted with.

For a creature that is born into individuality and raised a singularity,
we have a most peculiar gift. We are given the tools to comphrehend and to some extent feel the pain of our fellow beings, to share in their sorrow and to partake in the communion of suffering.

We see their struggle, we feel for them. We may even attempt to help them if we can.
We might extend a shoulder, to lean on. Or our strength, to carry them in their time of need, like the foot prints in the sand.

Or sometimes, to help remove the splinter in their eye. To remove the source of that pain. Whatever the source may be.

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