23 January 2011

C is for Compassion

C is for the one of things that makes us human.
As primitive as our ability is to feel the pain of others,
it is still something that most of us are gifted with.

For a creature that is born into individuality and raised a singularity,
we have a most peculiar gift. We are given the tools to comphrehend and to some extent feel the pain of our fellow beings, to share in their sorrow and to partake in the communion of suffering.

We see their struggle, we feel for them. We may even attempt to help them if we can.
We might extend a shoulder, to lean on. Or our strength, to carry them in their time of need, like the foot prints in the sand.

Or sometimes, to help remove the splinter in their eye. To remove the source of that pain. Whatever the source may be.

A is for Anger.

Anger, the physical manifestations of frustration.

Fear leads to anger,
Anger leads to hate,
Hate leads to suffering,
This is the path to the dark side.

Resentment and hatred that has manifested in way that is both scary and sad.
Like a beast that feeds on the living souls.
It subsists on lies and untruths to sustain it life-force.

Because the Ego-preservation requires that our actions that we cannot reconcile must be justified by all and any means necessary. When it happens that, that too is insufficient, we are left with a huge gap between our ideal-self and actual-self image. The mind repudiates such an inconsistency. Anger is the only solution left for a mind that will not accept reality. The bigger the discrepency, the worse the manifestions of anger.

There must be some huge discrepency going on for the things I have seen and heard.

Shock is replaced by disgust, but is quickly replaced with pity. For that must be some significant chasm that requires bridging.

22 January 2011

T is for Time

For the bank account,
In which each day we are credited with, 86 400.
We are free to use what of it we may.
But at the end of the day, what remains is wiped from our account.
We may not carry it forward.

For the thing that is supposed to be able to heal all wounds, yet doesn't.
But only because you won't let it.

For the things that we cannot reclaim, we cannot undo, or try again.
For the new things that await, may the mistakes of the past remain solely in our memory. May we start a new. The future is waiting. The present is now. We have only forward to go.

I know which direction I'm headed.

H is for Hope.

There really isn't a lot to say.

A new hope.

21 January 2011

A is for Acceptance

According to the Kübler-Ross model, acceptance is the final stage of dealing with loss and grief. This is where an individual comes to terms with her current situation. No more Anger, Denial, Bargaining or Depression.

We come to terms with what is and what was. For a brief moment, we are granted the clarity of seeing the world without filters and bias. We see things for what they truly are. We see the Truth.

20 January 2011

R is for Regression

Not all progress is forward. Sometimes progress pulls you back a few steps, sometimes its all the way back to the start.

Perhaps its God's way of telling you to take it a step at a time. To fully review what has passed and to view what was once present in the context of what was once the future but is now the present.
We can choose to stay in this regressed state and mourn the loss of progress. To weep at the feet of devolution and allow it to wholly consume us and complete its decay.
Or rise above it.

Never Give in, Never Never never.

I'll fight, until I cant fight no more.
I'm Gonna Lie down,
Bleed a while.
I'm Gonna get up,
Fight some MORE!

19 January 2011

S is for Suffering

It is the purest definition of penance. Repentance of sin and wrong doing by the experience of pain. To cleanse the soul by washing it out with hurt, pain and blood.
Without suffering, there can be no salvation.

Punish the body to Perfect the soul.

18 January 2011

I is for Illusion

Immaterial spectres we believe to be true and real but when confronted with the litmus test of reality, we see them crumble like the sand castles in the sky.